Brho of the segments 6 and 7 (analysis beam line) will be set during the
secondary-beam tuning in cooperation with the A1900 group. The energy loss in
all detector systems operating in this beam line has to be considered for the
Brho setting (object scintillator, object PIN, tracking PPACs). In the course
of secondary-beam tuning, a scintillating target ("viewer") and
camera setup at the target position of the S800 might be requested by the A1900
Brho of segment 8 - the spectrograph - has to be chosen by the experimenter
according to the objectives of the experiment. Please coordinate all required
Brho changes of the spectrograph beam line (segment 8) with the S800 group as
early as possible. The segment 8 Brho can roughly be estimated by assuming the
segment 7 Brho (analysis beam line) and correcting for the energy loss of the
desired fragment/particle in the reaction target. The "physical
calculator" of the program LISE is well suited for this purpose. The final
Brho of segment 8 will later be fine-tuned to achieve the desired setting in
the S800 focal plane (fragment of interest centered, for example).
strongly recommend Barney printouts after every change of the spectrograph.
This not only provides a paper copy of all magnet settings from segment 0 to
segment 8 but also saves this information in ascii format on disk (accessible
via the A1900 web site under "Beam Line Savesets"). If an inverse map
is desired for the tracking of the particles in the spectrograph, segment 8
Brho and the magnet currents of the dipoles and quadrupoles are needed to
determine important input parameters for the calculation of the inverse map.