Sample Spectra


Energy loss in the ion chamber vs. time of flight measured between the object scintillator and the E1 scintillator (trigger) at the end of the focal plane.

(In)elastic scattering of the incoming "cocktail beam" on a 256mg/cm^2 Au target (spectrograph in focus mode).


Left: Energy loss vs. TOF

Right: Dispersive angle in the focal plane (afp) vs. E1 corrected TOF measured with respect to the object scintillator. This spectrum is gated on the Ne isotopes marked in the left spectrum.

Two-proton knockout from 28Mg to 26Ne on a 376mg/cm^2 Be target, spectrograph in dispersion-matched mode


Upper left: Three 124Sn charge states in the CRDC2 x-y spectrum

Upper right: Amplitude of the CRDC2 anode signal vs. drift time (this is a diagnostics spectrum showing that the response of the CRDC is not correlated with the y position).

Lower left: Raw drift time measured in CRDC2

Lower right: Charge distribution induced in the pads by the three 124Sn charge states hitting CRDC2.

124Sn primary beam passing a thick Al viewer at the target position (focused optics).