Experiment #16042 Commissioning of the Large Charged Particle Veto Wall​ (The Greensheet, 05/12/17, 12/01/17)

Electronic Logbook

General Experimental Area

HiRA Home

Spokesperson : Betty Tsang

National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory


Backup spokesperson : Byungsik Hong

Korea University




Corinne Anderson

Jon Barney

John Bromell

Kyle Brown

Giordano Cerizza

Jacob Crosby

Daniele Dell'Aquila

Justin Estee

Suhas Kodali

Bill Lynch

Genie Jhang

Juan Manfredi

Sean Sweany

Chi-En Teh

Betty Tsang

Chun Yuen Tsang

Kuan Zhu


Western Michigan University

Jaclyn Brett

Zbigniew Chajecki

Om Bhadra Khanal

Cordero Soto

Justin Swaim


Korea University

Jong-Won Lee


Peking University

Chenyang Niu



Experiment #16042 Proposal





Experiment Schedule for #16042, #14030, & 15190


Shift Schedule


Shift Signup/Schedule February 2018


HiRA10 Punch Through


NW/VW Punch Through


HiRA Tower Configuration

Google Elog

Target Configuration

Veto & Neutron Walls Configuration

Venting Pumping Procedure

NSCL longform ELOG

Neutron Wall Article

Experiment #07018, #15190 & #14030

232U source info


December Beam Calibration